101 NW 1st St., Suite 201
Evansville, IN 47708
The Matthew 25 Pharmacy offers prescription medications, medication synchronization, medication education, compliance packaging, and free delivery.
Why use Matthew 25 Pharmacy?
The pharmacy provides convenience for patients, better care through increased communication between pharmacy and providers/clinic, shorter wait times for patients to start medications, and additional revenue to support Matthew 25’s patient-centered services.
Become a Patient
Anyone can request their prescriptions be sent to Matthew 25 Pharmacy, the same as any other pharmacy.
Matthew 25 patients can talk with their case managers or the clinic staff about using Matthew 25 Pharmacy. The pharmacy can also transfer prescriptions from a patient’s current pharmacy to the Matthew 25 pharmacy by asking the pharmacy staff.
Improving Care
Matthew 25 Pharmacy is able to work directly with a patient’s care team, including case managers and health care providers to ensure safe and accessible medications. Pharmacy staff are able to work quickly and efficiently with Matthew 25’s clinical staff to address medication-related problems like insurance issues and medication cost concerns.