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Cyndee Burton
Founder Cyndee Burton

Matthew 25 AIDS Services, Inc. began as a volunteer organization in 1996 developed through Zion United Church of Christ in Henderson, KY, which was struggling with how to make a difference in the lives of those infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS from within their congregation.

Founding CEO Cyndee Burton, a nurse at the time, felt called to do more. She opened Matthew 25’s first location in a detached one-car garage behind Zion Church of Christ.

By 1999, Matthew 25 AIDS Services was incorporated, and we are moving forward to offer more services to our patients in Western Kentucky and Southern Indiana. In 1999, we were granted 501(c)(3) status, which allowed us to seek funding to enlarge our organization with full-time paid staff.

In 2000, Matthew 25 was awarded a Ryan White Planning Grant to evaluate the need for clinical services in the area, and an HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS) grant to assist with housing needs. In 2001 we were awarded a Ryan White Part C Grant for Early Intervention Services to open our medical clinic.

The one-car garage where Matthew 25 AIDS Services began.
The one-car garage where Matthew 25 AIDS Services was founded.

We recognize that HIV/AIDS is a real disease affecting real people. Realistic prevention and treatment is the only way to fight the continuing spread of HIV. Through holistic care and support services, Matthew 25 strives to reduce the number of new HIV infections and improve the quality of life for those already fighting HIV/AIDS.

Through our medical case management efforts which span twenty-five (25) counties in Western Kentucky, we are able to offer our patients supportive services that can help with insurance premiums, housing and utility assistance, transportation, nutritional supplements and groceries, medication assistance, and mental health, dental and vision services. This coupled with excellent specialized medical care greatly improves their chances to enjoy full productive lives for many years.

A diagnosis of HIV/AIDS is not the death sentence it once was years ago. While there have been many advances in the treatment of HIV, many still battle stigma and barriers to education and safer risk behaviors. We, at Matthew 25 AIDS Services, strive to give our patients the tools they need to make better life choices, while medically treating their disease in the most supportive and dignified atmosphere possible.