It is the goal of Matthew 25 AIDS Services to provide equitable access to high quality care and
services without discrimination or regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
national origin, disability, gender identity, ethnicity, age, handicap or sources of payment for
care. Matthew 25 will provide services with respect, dignity, and consideration of privacy.
Matthew 25 providers desire to work as partners in care to achieve health goals and desired
outcomes of our patients.
Every Patient has the right to:
- Participate in the development, implementation, and revision of your care plan. This includes
be informed of your health status, and making informed decisions about your care plan and
treatment. - Receive care that is sensitive to your values, culture, and beliefs of self.
- Confidentiality and privacy regarding your personal information and care plan.
- Receive public accommodations to ensure effective communication to
individuals with hearing, vision or speech disabilities. - Receive reasonable accommodations for meaningful access to Matthew 25’s
programs and activities. - Receive accurate information regarding treatment options, including risks and
benefits, implications of non-adherence and potential outcomes related to refusal
of treatment. - To ask questions about their health status or recommended treatment when they
do not fully understand what has been described and to have their questions
answered. - To be advised of any conflicts of interest their physician may have in respect to
their care - To voice grievances about the treatment provided without discrimination for doing
Patient Responsibilities
Successful medical care requires ongoing collaboration between patients and medical
providers. Their partnership requires both individuals to take an active role in the patient-
provider relationship
You can contribute to the successful collaborative effort when you:
- Provide accurate and complete personal and health information needed to
provide a high-quality care plan. - Provide as complete a medical history as they can, including providing
information about past illnesses, medications, hospitalizations, family history of
illness, and other matters relating to present health - Participate in making decisions about your health care by asking questions about your
diagnosis and treatment. - Actively participate in following your care plan, and notify your provider if
anything changes in your symptoms or condition.- Accept outcomes if you choose not to follow your care plan.
- Provide required documentation needed to participate in specific programs at
Matthew 25. - Keep your appointments, or notify us if you need a change to your appointment.
- Provide Matthew 25 AIDS Services employees, volunteers, other patients and
property with respect. - Follow the rules for NO SMOKING and PROHIBITION OF WEAPONS ON THE
PREMISES. - Follow appropriate cell phone etiquette including but not limited to:
- Turn phones on silent while in the clinic
- Take phone calls outside
- Refrain from being disruptive in the clinical setting.
- Refrain from having or using alcohol, illegal substances, carrying drug
paraphernalia, when on Matthew 25 premises. - Inform Matthew 25 AIDS Services of any changes in your insurance, housing, or
financial situation.